

  • Forward Video message, it is necessary to download it via the CDN first and then upload the CDN's response to send it.

Request URL


Request Method

  • POST


Parameter NameRequiredParameter TypeDescription
typeYesintAPI ID
userNameYesstringReceiver's wxid
aeskeyYesstringAES key, returned by the CDN upload interface
fileidYesstringFile ID, returned by the CDN upload interface
filecrcYesstringFile CRC value, returned by the CDN upload interface
rawtotalsizeYesstringSize of the source file, returned by the CDN upload interface
videosecondsYesstringTotal video duration (in seconds), returned by the CDN upload interface
rawfilemd5YesstringMD5 hash of the source file, returned by the CDN upload interface
encryptfilemd5YesstringMD5 hash of the encrypted file, returned by the CDN upload interface
rawthumbsizeYesstringSize of the thumbnail file, returned by the CDN upload interface
thumbheightYesstringHeight of the thumbnail, returned by the CDN upload interface
thumbwidthYesstringWidth of the thumbnail, returned by the CDN upload interface

Request Example

  "type": 10096,
  "userName": "filehelper",
  "aeskey": "1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef",
  "fileid": "30....",
  "filecrc": "123456789",
  "rawtotalsize": "777777",
  "videoseconds": "150",
  "rawfilemd5": "1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef",
  "encryptfilemd5": "abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890",
  "rawthumbsize": "7777"

Return Example

    "data": {
      "status": 0,
      "desc": "",

Return Parameter Description

Parameter NameParameter TypeDescription
error_codeintError code
descriptionstringError Description
datajsonBusiness data
