

  • Forward picture message, it is necessary to download it via the CDN first and then upload the CDN's response to send it.

Request URL


Request Method

  • POST


Parameter NameRequiredParameter TypeDescription
typeYesintAPI ID
userNameYesstringReceiver's wxid
rawtotalsizeYesstringSize of the source file; returned by the CDN upload interface
rawfilemd5YesstringMD5 hash of the source file; returned by the CDN upload interface
fileidYesstringFile ID; returned by the CDN upload interface
aeskeyYesstringAES key; returned by the CDN upload interface
filecrcYesstringFile checksum; returned by the CDN upload interface
rawthumbsizeYesstringSize of the thumbnail file; returned by the CDN upload interface

Request Example

  "type": 10097,
  "userName": "filehelper",
  "rawtotalsize": "666",
  "rawfilemd5": "12345678xxxxxxxxxx90abcdef",
  "fileid": "30....",
  "aeskey": "12345678xxxxxxxxxx90abcdef",
  "filecrc": "123456789",
  "rawthumbsize": "100"

Return Example

    "data": {
      "status": 0,
      "desc": "",

Return Parameter Description

Parameter NameParameter TypeDescription
error_codeintError code
descriptionstringError Description
datajsonBusiness data
