
💻 Preparing for Setup

1️⃣ Install the Specified Version of WeChat

- Use the version number of the WeChat installation package provided in the download link.
- The provided download link is official. If unsure, you can search and install the official installation package of this version.

👉 Getting Started

1️⃣ Log in to WeChat (Two alternatives, pick one.)

Interface-Based Login

(Some Windows computers may report viruses, this is a problem with the way the exe is packaged, if you are not sure that you can use another way to start)

  • Download the Launcher: API_Launcher_xxxxxx.exe
  • Launch the WeChat by clicking on the 🚀Launcher.
  • Wait until the 🚀Launcher displays "API Initialized."
  • Log in by scanning the QR code (only accounts launched via this step have API functionality).

Code-Based Login

  • Unzip [xxxx_rar].
  • Execute the demo.py program (this is a Python program, Python environment installation may be necessary).
  • Log in by scanning the QR code (only accounts launched via this step have API functionality).
At this stage, the setup is complete.
Each WeChat instance initiated on a port represents a separate account. After logging into the initial account, modify the port, then initiate multiple accounts. For capable configurations, countless accounts can be activated.
Best practice: Limit login to 1-3 accounts per device.

2️⃣ Testing API

  • For CMD interface testing commands, copy the command and execute it in a CMD window. The execution result is as shown in the figure below.

  • curl --location --request POST "" --header "Content-Type: application/json" --data-raw "{ \"type\": 28 }"

  • Employ familiar API invoking software such as Postman, Apifox, etc., and refer to the documentation for interface invocation.API docs